Eminent Domain
Sometimes federal, state, or local governments have reasons to take private property or portions of private property for road expansions, sidewalks, or other infrastructure needs. In other cases, the property owners can initiate proceedings themselves in a process called inverse condemnation. The Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution requires that the government provide just compensation to the owners of the property taken. The question about what constitutes just compensation is often determined by the courts.
The property owner is also entitled to due process rights before and after the property is taken. It is important to make a thorough examination of the property being taken to determine not only a proper valuation of the real property taken, but also all of the collateral impacts to the property. The landowner may be entitled to moving expenses, severance damages, and costs to cure.
We handle eminent domain proceedings on a contingency fee basis. Also, the consultations for all such cases with our office is free. Please make an appointment with us today.