Can Low Sodium Levels Excuse a Fatal Crash? Jury Says “No” with a $700K Verdict
In October 2024, we went to trial in Guilford County, North Carolina, with co-counsel David Stradley and Ann Ochsner, on a tragic case involving the wrongful death of a pedestrian. The case involved a driver who lost control of her vehicle, veered off the road, and fatally struck a man who was simply retrieving his […]
Your Certificate of Naturalization has the wrong birthdate. Now what?
How can an incorrect birth date be fixed on a Certificate of Naturalization? The first question is when did you naturalize, was it before or after October 1, 1991? If it was before that date, then you must go back to federal court where you naturalized and file a federal lawsuit. If it was after that date, […]
Top three (3) things to know about that easement offer you received
What do you do when a city or county offers you money for an easement on your property? How much is an easement worth? A governmental entity, such as a city or county, may have a need for a utility easement across your property. This may be for a new sewer or sewage easement. It […]
Liability for abuse or child maltreatment in a church, religious institution, or school setting – Negligent Retention or Negligent Supervision
When a trusted teacher or religious leader abuses or mistreats a child, the impact on the child and child’s family is no doubt devastating. While the physical impacts of the abuse, whether it is improper discipline, neglect, or sexual abuse may heal, the long-term emotional aspects may follow the child for the rest of his […]
I came to the USA as a minor and my US Passport has the wrong birthdate, now what?
It is a challenge to fix a wrong date of birth on a US Passport. However, there are several options that may be available to you. First, if the error was due to a typographical error/clerical error by USCIS (not by you or your family), then your Certificate of Naturalization or Certificate of Citizenship may be replaced […]
Sanchez v. Truse Trucking, Inc.
Reported Decision Sanchez v. Truse Trucking, Inc., 74 F. Supp. 3d 716 (M.D.N.C. 2014) Date: 7/31/2014 Attorney(s): Adam G. Linett Summary We represented thirteen (13) current and former employees of a North Carolina freight shipping and trucking company who alleged that they were not paid minimum wage and overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act […]
Mosqueda v. Mosqueda
Reported Decision Mosqueda v. Mosqueda, 721 S.E.2d 755, 757 (N.C. Ct. App. 2012) appeal dismissed, review denied, 724 S.E.2d 919 (N.C. 2012) Date: 1/17/2012 Attorney(s): Adam G. Linett J. Rodrigo Pocasangre Summary Four passengers sued the driver of automobile who overturned her vehicle in Alabama while all were in route to North Carolina. The trial court […]
ABC Roofing, Inc. v. Sawyer
Sample Decision ABC Roofing, Inc. v. Sawyer, 750 S.E.2d 918 (N.C. Ct. App. 2013) (unpublished disposition) Date: 9/3/2013 Attorney(s): Adam G. Linett J. Rodrigo Pocasangre Summary We represented a roofing contractor, ABC Roofing, Inc., who was not paid by a homeowner after having installed new shingles on the Defendant’s residence. After a bench trial, the […]